If you are searching for answers, and you’ve found your way to this page, the Bible says God is drawing you to Himself, God Loves you, and He knows you personally! How can He already love you? Because God made you, and He put His “GPS track back feature” on your heart.
“I will put my teaching within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” – Jeremiah 31:33
Here are the ABC'S

1. Ask Jesus
Your first step First is to ask Jesus into your life. You need to confess with your mouth that you are a sinner in need of a Savior. The way you do this is to recite this little prayer to God. We have a short video from Billy Graham that will help you with this confession. Click the Start Here button below.
2. Baptism
Here at Morning Star, we believe that baptism by immersion is the first step of obedience for the new believer. It symbolizes the substitutionary death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and symbolizes the death of self, burial of the old human nature, and resurrection to a new purpose in life.
3. CLASS Time
Here at Morning Star Baptist Church, we have a four foundational classes for New Believers. Discovering your new church family, developing your own spiritual maturity, discovering your ministry, and discovering your own life ministry. In other words, discovering your Purpose in Life.
4. Serve
God called you to a Purpose that helps fill that void in your heart and provides directions for a fulfilling life.
We have so many ways for you to Connect with other Christians. You can serve in a ministry or participate in a Life Group when you are ready. Explore the different ways to Serve.