Intro to Class

A church should feel like a family. It shouldn't feel like an event to attend, but a place to belong. That's why CLASS is important – because we weren't meant to go through life alone. When it comes to finding your purpose, using your God-given gifts to serve, and surrounding yourself with community, we're giving you a deliberate path to follow. It's a path that won't confuse you or leave you in the dark.

So don't think of CLASS as a college course. Think of it as a way to find your purpose and your people, because there's more for you at Morning Star than just attending a weekend service. You have the opportunity to discover your purpose and start living out all that God has for you!

Starting in the Summer of 2023

Class 101 - Discovering Our Church Family

This is the first of Morning Star’s four foundational classes.

You were designed to be a part of a church family, and that’s exactly what Morning Star desires to be, a family you can come to love.

A healthy family has common beliefs, purposes, and commitment. That’s why we want to share with you what we believe and where we’re going.

Everyone has a Ministry that interconnects into God’s Purpose for our lives.

God wants each of us to discover for ourselves, how we fit into His Church Family and more importantly, Where do we go from here?



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Class 201 - Discovering our Spiritual Maturity


This class is the second of Morning Star Church’s four basic classes.

We’re glad you’re here. Since Class 201 builds upon Class 101, if you have not yet attended Class 101: Discovering Our Church Family, we highly recommend that you attend it first.

In Class 201, you will learn the following elements on how to develop your own spiritual maturity.

• Overview of Spiritual Maturity
• Habit One: Daily Time in God’s Word
• Habit Two: Prayer—Talking with God
• Habit Three: Tithing—Giving Back to God
• Habit Four: Fellowship—Enjoying God’s Family
• How to Start and Maintain Good Habits

Click HERE for more information

Class 301 - Discorering My Ministry

Class 301 is the third of Morning Star’s foundational classes.

• In Class 101: Discovering Our Church Family, you
committed to being a Member of God’s family.

• In Class 201: Discovering My Spiritual Maturity, you
committed to the habits of Spiritual Maturity.

We are convinced that you must first be committed to membership in a church family and committed to the habits for spiritual growth before you are ready for ministry.

Membership and Spiritual Maturity are the foundations for ministry. How you talk with friend, family or others we encounter on a daily basis.

Click HERE For More Information

Class 401 - Discovering My Life Mission

The fourth of Morning Star’s foundational classes.

Congratulations on making it around all the bases!

• In Class 101, you committed to being a Member of God’s family.

• In Class 201, you committed to the habits for spiritual Maturity.

• In Class 301, you committed to having a Ministry in our church.

• In Class 401, you will begin to discover your Mission in the world, starting right here in Star Valley.

Click HERE for additional information